Services (服務類別)
航空產品(Aviation products)
航空產品及服務(Aviation Products and Services)
我們提供私人飛機艙內產品及各項服務,包含內部清潔及皮革坐椅修復及保養,均得到客戶極高評價.We provide products and services in private aircraft cabins, including interior cleaning and leather seat repair and maintenance, which have been highly evaluated by customers.
軌道車輛產品(Rail vehicle products)
軌道車輛產品及服務(Rail vehicle products and services)
我們針對軌道車輛汙染提供正確的清潔產品(We provide the right cleaning products for rail vehicle pollution)
汽車類產品(Automotive products)
輪式車輛產品(Wheeled vehicle products)
針對各式輪式車輛提供環保清潔產品(非接觸式清潔產品)Provide environmentally friendly cleaning products for all types of wheeled vehicles (non-contact cleaning products)
維修人員(Maintenance staff)
無水環保除油紙巾(Anhydrous environmentally friendly degreasing paper towels)高效能網狀砂紙(High-performance mesh sandpaper)
各式維修人員清潔除油紙巾(All kinds of maintenance personnel cleaning except paper towels)及環保清潔產品(Environmentally friendly cleaning products)無塵研磨系統及高效能網砂(Dust-free grinding system and high-performance mesh sand)