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產品資訊(Product Information)

產品說明(​product manual)

Our aim is to provide products that are environmentally friendly and do not harm the environment and humans.We also provide advanced leather repair engineering consulting.At present, we designate leather repair manufacturers for private aircraft.We provide environmentally friendly and non-toxic materials for repair works.

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MIRKA 高性能網砂

MIRKA 研磨系統及高性能網砂​

Mirka Ltd是表面處理技術的全球領導者,並為表面處理和精密行業提供廣泛的突破性打磨解決方案。芬蘭進口MIRKA無塵研磨系統,搭配高性能網砂讓粉塵不再汙染環境及傷害您的健康, 適用於油漆或汽車研磨(Mirka Ltd is a global leader in surface treatment technology and offers a wide range of ground-breaking grinding solutions for the surface treatment and precision industries. The MIRKA dust-free grinding system imported from Finland, combined with high-performance mesh sand, makes the dust no longer pollute the environment and harm your health. It is suitable for painting or car grinding.)


Aero Cosmetics​


The World's First Waterless Wash Products. Our eco-friendly products are used by Air Force One, The Military, NASA, Airlines, and private aircraft owner.




台灣製造環保無毒除油紙巾,可去除油脂,污垢,油,焦油,污垢,泥土,氣味,粘液,擦傷,污漬,密封劑,膠粘劑,油漆等。通過各項嚴格測試且外銷歐美各國,是家庭主婦或各種維修人員必備產品,不含有毒溶劑或任何其他刺激性化學物質,可用於手,臉和其他部位。巾具有水性檸檬油配方,不含任何有毒溶劑。它不僅可以清理殘局,還可以拯救地球和您的健康。Made in Taiwan, environmentally friendly non-toxic degreasing paper towels can remove grease, dirt, oil, tar, dirt, soil, odor, slime, abrasion, stains, sealants, adhesives, paints, etc. It has passed rigorous tests and is exported to European and American countries. It is an essential product for housewives or maintenance personnel. It does not contain toxic solvents or any other irritating chemicals and can be used on hands, face and other parts. The towel has a water-based lemon oil formula and does not contain any toxic solvents. It can not only clean up the endgame, but also save the planet and your health.




​​這是一個全新的環保修復技術源自德國,我們已經引進來台灣, 目前用於私人飛機或超跑,高級皮革家俱或是高級皮製品,均可做修復的工程,無毒無味還可保有原皮革的柔軟度,與傳統用油漆噴塗修復完全不同.This is a new environmentally friendly repair technology from Germany. We have introduced it to Taiwan. It is currently used in private jets or supercars. High-grade leather furniture or high-quality leather products can be used for restoration works. The softness is completely different from the traditional paint spray repair.

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